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CHIamp is a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) acoustic massage software. CHIamp energy is delivered in gentle acoustic pressure waves similar to very light tapotement a massage therapist provides. Setting up CHIamp is as easy as connecting a stereo music system together and is outputting frequencies through your computer.

The benefits are deeply relaxing, detoxifying, and of great benefit to health and wellness.

The effects have been claimed to stimulate and amplify the CHI energy as used by Qigong Healing Masters.

Aura Bass Shaker Pro transducers at 50 watts hooks up like a speaker to a home stereo amplifier and is ideal for extra power under the heavier massage table or chair or placed in a bean bag for direct application. A 20 watt home stereo system will activate these transducers, but if your planning on purchasing a dedicated amplifier and getting really involved with CHIamp, look for a SubWoofer Amplifier Module.

Most home amplifiers will activate bass shakers. However, for best results, subwoofer amplifers found on eBay searches in your area will produce superior results. Look for the ones with the losest response frequency. 10Hz is ideal.

www.partsexpress.com have stock and good prices ($37) each.

CHIamp Operation Instructions What Is CHIamp ?

  • CHIamp is an energetic acoustic massage instrument that is designed to evaluate all the protocols of Low Frequency Therapy (massage).

  • CHIamp has a unique frequency management system that is output to an amplifier and then to Tactile Transducers, which are placed over the area of trauma and acupressure sites.

  • Tactile transducers can be placed on the body (small ones) or if using large transducers, a few can be attached to the underside of a therapist's table and chair to receive full body benefits of this modality.

  • Tactile transducers are connected to the speaker ports of a mono or stereo amplifier.

  • Sound out from the pc/notebook/audio player (3.5mm male connector) connects to the input on the amplifier.

  • A scrolling, low resolution oscilloscope displays the output frequencies. This function was not designed to produce accurate wave shapes, as the function takes samples of the output wave and process them through FFT formula, but it will clearly display the correct amplitude of the wave form CHIamp is sending to your sound card and an approximation of the wave shape.

  • A signal level meter was installed to provide visual feedback to the output amplitude of the output signal.


  • CHIamp has 200 customisable program spaces to use other sequences that provide support and wellness to the body.
  • Each treatment entry has a Day/Night setting which, allows for dual ranges per treatment, depending on the hour of the day, or evening. The body slows down at night, requiring a 10 to 15% reduction in frequency level for some applications.
  • Simply select the disorder in the list box to the right, and use the New, Edit and Delete buttons to manipulate the entries.

  • CHIamp Program Manager for customizing programs allows you to enter your own frequency ranges on any research and experimental frequency ranges you would like to try.
  • Chart colors can be set from a color tray of 16 million colors.
  • Short application notes can be entered to assist you with each frequency range application.

  • A program timer displays hours, minutes and seconds that the program has been running for.
  • The output volume is usually left at half level "8" and the main power to the electrode or transducer is controlled via the volume knob on the amplifier.
  • An index counter displays how many frequency cycles have been output in the session with a digital display of the current output frequency next to it.


    CHIamp works with low audio frequencies under 100Hz, often too low for the human ear. CHIamp will output frequencies using its unique wave cycle formula. This works by sending a frequency out for its own wave length only. For example, 4Hz (4 pulses per second) would output for a duration of 1/4 of a second, then a new random frequency within the range is generated and it's output is for its own wave cycle, 17Hz would output for 1/17th of a second.

    Wave cycle timing is accurate to 1 ms. Following standard instrument measurement resolutions, 100Hz would be the highest acceptable measurable frequency, although I've run CHIamp as high as 500Hz and it looked to perform well. 0.1Hz is the minimum frequency. You will need the sawtooth wave selected to activate a pulse for this low a frequency.

    The CHIamp chart displays the frequency range of the selected program and the random frequency generated, it scrolls along in real time. Depending on the frequency selected and the range of the frequency program, the chart will speed up and slow down in its display reflecting the correct operation of the wave cycle output function. No two identical frequencies are output in sequential order.

    CHIamp supports sine, square, triangle, sawtooth positive, sawtooth negative, and white noise output wave forms. I have found Sawtooth Pos or Sawtooth Neg to be good with frequency ranges below 12Hz. I use sine waves above 12Hz.

    The output frequencies are generated to 0.00001 Hz resolution.

    A software random generator is seeded by the time, each time the start button is clicked.

    CHIamp outputs its frequencies in mono mode. This means the same frequency is output on the left and right channels of the sound system.

    I can see a good scope for improvements and additions as feedback is provided.

  Ken Uzzell



e-mail   Ken
Last updated   12th January 2012

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FreX.com.au and its affiliates make no claims to the accuracy of CHIamp, or data held within, or its affect on your health. FreX.com.au and its affiliates are not responsible for any loss or damage cause to your computer by the use of CHIamp. CHIamp is made available AS IS and carries no warranties or makes no claims. I hope you enjoy it in the spirit it has been shared, for the purpose of health and wellness of acoustic massage.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.