FreXmcm is an 8 channel sweep generator. Designed to operate dual instruments via indepent control of left and right stereo channels.

Amplitude Modulation normalization techniques are use to make effective multiple frequency delivery for the SSQ-2F amplifer and the production of the correct upper and lower sideband harmoics.

The purpose of FreXmcm is to allow researchers to look at compression techniques for the Jeff Garff Big Rife Sweep as presented at Rife Videos.com.

The Big Rife Sweep is a 4 hour single channel sweep from 1,000Hz to 25,000Hz with the 3.1MHz RF carrier. Over a 4 hour period this sweep will hit every known and unknown pathogen MOR (Mortal Oscillation Rate) for a period of 3 minutes.

By utilizing 8 channels, FreXmcm allows the 4 hour sweep to be compressed into 30 minutes, so the theory is in 30 minutes, every known AND unknown pathogen receives its MOR for 3 minutes which can potentially make for a far superior pathogen knock-down effect.

Looping the 8 channel sweep allows for seamless extensions of the program producing an application where with a 60 minutes session, a 6 minute MOR is delivered to all pathogen species, known AND unknown.

Great care and caution advised for researchers utilizing the higher power SSQ plasma wave tubes.


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